Get Help Now

Are You In Immediate Danger?
If you or someone else is in immediate danger, call 999 to reach the police.
Silent Solutions
If you're in an emergency but unable to speak, there are ways to alert the police. Try to make a sound, like tapping the phone or coughing, if possible. When prompted by the automated system, press 55. This signals to the operator that it's a legitimate emergency, and you'll be connected with a police handler trained to respond to silent calls.
Please note: If you don’t press 55, the call will be disconnected. Pressing 55 does not enable the police to track your location.
For more details about Silent Solutions, visit the Independent Office for Police Conduct. Click here
Need the police but not in immediate danger?
Contact the police on the non-emergency telephone number 101. Alternatively, visit your local police station or contact the police online
Need Information, Help, or Support from a Local Domestic Abuse Service?
We are here for you!
If you're experiencing or have experienced domestic abuse, EDAN Lincs offers the Lincolnshire Domestic Abuse Specialist Service (LDASS) and Refuge services.
Services Provided:
- Support Hub and Helpline: Advice, guidance, and referrals to relevant services.
- Support for All Ages: Services available for adults, children, and young people.
- Recovery Support: Assistance for individuals recovering from abuse.
- Online Support: Accessible advice and support for all victims.
- Outreach and Engagement: Early interventions for communities and individuals facing barriers.
- IDVA Support: Help for those at high risk of serious harm.
- Specialist Assistance: Support for stalking, controlling behaviour, coercive behaviour, and honour-based violence.
- Legal Aid and Court Support: Assistance accessing legal aid and court support.
- Refuge Provision and Accommodation: Safe refuge services and accommodation options.
Ways To Contact Us
Our helpline serves as a single point of access for the above services and any general inquiries.
Contact us to discuss your situation and learn how we can help. We are here to listen and offer support without judgment. Our service is confidential, and we can provide advice and guidance tailored to your needs.
Call our Helpline at 01522 510041
You can also contact us by email:
For refuge:
For general inquiries:
Alternatively, you can start a live chat with one of our specialist domestic abuse workers; the chat function can be accessed at the bottom right of the page. The Chat function is only manned Monday-Friday 9am-5pm.
Please note: If our staff are busy dealing with other calls and enquiries, you may not get an immediate response. If we are unavailable, there is the option to leave an email address and we will contract you back as soon as possible.
Opening Hours
Refuge Services
Monday – Friday: 8:30am – 7:00pm
Saturday: 10:00am – 5:00pm
Support Hub, Outreach and All Other Services
Monday – Friday: 9:00am – 5:00pm
To speak to a specialist domestic abuse worker outside of office hours, please contact the 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247.
How to make a referral
Refuge Service:
• Self-Referral: Call 01522 510041 (Option 1)
• Email:
• Ask a professional to refer you.
For further information about Refuge services – click here
Outreach Support via the LDASS service:
• Helpline: Call 01522 510041 (Option 2) for assistance with the referral form.
• Online Form: Complete the LDASS referral form online (ensure it's safe to do so).
• Email:
• Professional Referral: Ask a professional to refer you
For further information about the LDASS service, click here
What if I'm not ready to contact a domestic abuse service?
If you do not feel ready to contact a domestic abuse service yet there is further information and advice that you can access via this website and the LDASS website.
There are also many other professionals, such as GPs, mental health workers, health visitors and teachers, who are able to offer advice and support. If you are not ready to talk to a professional, why not find a trusted friend or family member to confide in.
Other Support
Police: Non-emergency number 101 or text phone 18001 101
Clare’s Law: Request information about a partner's history of abuse
National Services: Women’s Aid, National Domestic Abuse Helpline run by Refuge
Tech abuse: Refuge Tech Safety
Legal Help: NCDV, Rights of Women, FLOWS, RCJ Advice Family Service
Stalking Support: Paladin, National Stalking Helpline
Sexual Violence Support: Rape Crisis, Spring Lodge Sexual Assault Referral Centre
For more information and support, visit the respective websites or contact the provided helplines:
For Men
Men's Advice Line: Confidential helpline for men experiencing domestic abuse.
Mankind Initiative: Charity offering a helpline, information, support, and refuge accommodation for male victims of domestic abuse.
HBV / Forced Marriage
Karma Nirvana: National helpline for victims of forced marriage and honour-based abuse. Website:
Forced Marriage Unit: Help for stopping or leaving a forced marriage.
For Older People
Hourglass: Confidential advice and support for older victims of abuse.
National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline: Support for LGBT+ individuals experiencing domestic abuse.
For Those With A Disability
SignHealth – Domestic Abuse Service: Support for deaf or hard of hearing victims of domestic abuse.
Respond: Therapy and support for people with learning disabilities, autism, or both who have experienced abuse.
For Children
Childline: 24-hour helpline for children.
NSPCC: Helpline for adults concerned about a child.